Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cost Of Installing A Wood Burner I Want A New Oil Burner, But What About The CO Test?

I want a new oil burner, but what about the CO test? - cost of installing a wood burner

At the moment I have a Longwood wood / oil furnace with a Beckett oil burner. I do not know how many years of Beckett, but I have problems. I had a local heating rate and helped me, but now I'm gone and am) not a number of things (pieces of pottery to the electrodes, copper fuel line, because, so that it no longer work if you some money on it. I know that the electrodes and the copper line, not many $ 20-25 or something, but really do not know how what is old. The problem is that I only spent $ 105 on a new pump does not, but still new drive would be if I ever get problems with it. I can do all these things myself, I just need more time to do a heating rate of pay to $ 80/hr.

What I really want to do is juc buy a new burner, so I know what I have and I know he is new and should be good to go. I have a line of about $ 350 here:
[url = ... I need only to have the 9 "air tube fitted to me.

I know that they are online prices by about 50% of what I have to pay to another local grocery store. I paid $ 105 for an oil pump fuel at a local level (by my kind of discount heating contractor) and found it online for $ 54.00. Anyway, I installed because I have and hooked me up. The main reason why I feel a little reticent to buy a new burner, I read because I go to a specialist and to ensure the verification of CO do w / your machine to ensure that in accordance with specifications. MadeSomeone knows something about the test of CO and how much would it cost? I know it does not seem too stupid to buy because of this and a little bit.


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