Thursday, December 24, 2009

Epilepsy Natural Can I Have Natural Childbirth W/ A Midwife If I Have Epilepsy?

Can I have natural childbirth w/ a midwife if I have epilepsy? - epilepsy natural

I was with for almost 10 years diagnosed with epilepsy. At that time I had absence seizures and 2 meters high. I took Depakote since then, but my neurologist recently I took drugs and had no crisis. My husband and I are trying to understand, much research has taken place and now I know I want a natural birth because I think it's really the best choice for the baby and me. I do not want the birth in a hospital OB because I'm afraid all the necessary measures to try to force me, but the man says he does not want the birth in a hospital in another when there is an emergency. Fortunately, one of the hospitals in the region a center of the midwife at birth, but I wonder whether I would be a good candidate. Or am considered high risk because they had crises before, and has to leave all hope of the birth a midwife?


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